Friday 13 July 2012

Pregnancy Post: 33 Weeks

Your baby

  • Your baby is now around 44cm long from head to toe and weighs around 3-4 pounds. He or she may have a full head of hair.
  • The calcium from your diet is helping your baby’s bones harden so keep eating healthily.


  • You may find the baby’s movements more uncomfortable and may be slowing down as you cope with the extra weight.
  • If you’ve noticed a clear or white vaginal discharge, don’t worry – this is normal during pregnancy. But, if it becomes thick or yellow, seek medical advice as it may be a sign of infection.
  • Swelling of your hands, feet or face can be a sign of pre-eclampsia. It affects 10 per cent of pregnancies and can be dangerous to you and your baby. If you notice any signs make sure you call your doctor or midwife.
  • As your skin stretches your skin may become itchy, if this is the case use a soothing moisturisers. But if it increases and is mainly on your hands, soles of your feet and tummy, it might be a sign of obstetric cholestatis, so speak to your midwife or GP.

What to think about

  • You can try to get your baby into the right position by a couple of movements. Try spending time on all fours as you wiggle your hips and arch your back, or you kneel on the floor across a bean bag or birth ball. Breaststroke is also thought to help open the pelvis.
  • If you’re expecting twins or more, you may want to think about extra help during those first few days when you come home.
  • As the birth draws nearer, it is time to consider childcare and the options available to you.
  • It’s a good idea to pack your hospital bag now. Even if you’re planning a home birth, pack one just in case!
  • During labour you will be offered pain relief. Make sure you know what’s available to you.

Our 33 week story

There hasn't been much change since last week. I have had a hospital free week this week as I don't need to see the consultant till next week. We have now finished our Parent Craft classes (see future post for details on them!) & have a fully furnished nursery fit for a prince!

I have been bouncing on my birthing ball as I've been suffering from pelvic and back pain! During the night, I have been plauged by leg cramps which are the WORST thing possible! Does anyone have any advice on how to ease? The only advice i've recieved so far is to put wine corks in the bottom of my bed! I really don't think i'll be trying that one out!

The labour bag is all packed & at the door ready for the dash to the hospital! I'm very proud of how organised we are!

Source: Bounty

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